Tuesday 22 August 2017

The end of civilisation...

The pun just demanded to be used, so not much more to add, other than: if it's going to take four years to fix a clock (for health and safety reasons), how on earth do the alt.Brexiteers think our withdrawal from the EU can be done in half the time?  A lot more than health and safety will be at risk if that goes tits-up...and at the moment the astonishing complacency of our terrific trio suggests that outcome is looking likelier.  If Big Ben has gone silent, who else can fill the gap?  Oh, there's Boris Johnson.....

(The original version of this played with the idea that even a stopped clock is right twice a day, unlike some we could mention. But it was pointed out to me that it's only the chimes that have been silenced, not the clock itself.  Oh well.)